Saturday March 29th 2025
Start time 3.00 pm (15.00 - 1700 hours UK time)
Duration: approximately two hours
Cost £40.00
Places are limited so early booking is advisable.
Electrical energy (also referred to as Qi, Chi, prana, vitality, etc.) forms the foundation of life. It is what drives us; it is what creates life through the electrical spark of conception. The unimpeded circulation of this force is vital — its stagnation leads to death, while its free circulation fosters life.
The reflexes of the feet reflect the levels of Qi. Individuals with high levels typically respond more favourably to treatment than those with lower levels. Recognising these indications will help determine the appropriate type of treatment for each specific client.
However, it is also essential to consider the practitioner's energy state, as this plays a crucial role in enhancing the therapeutic potency of treatments. In this presentation I will discuss strategies that practitioners can employ to elevate their Qi levels.
Maintaining and enhancing their Qi levels will greatly benefit the clients and their health.
I am very fortunate to have Dr. Sumi Chatterjee join me in this presentation.
She is an exceptionally qualified medical doctor and scientist with a degree in Medical Biochemistry and a Master's degree in Pharmacology.
The College of Medicine awarded her a fellowship for her work. She is also a Yoga teacher and is very interested in the body's energy potential and ways to enhance it.
Sumi was diagnosed with advanced cancer in 2021, which changed her view of being a medical doctor.
She decided to use energy medicine to work on her body, mind and spirit to overcome her condition.
The methods she uses will be the subject of her presentation.
Her story is truly inspirational.
Dr Mau(sumi) Chatterjee
DJ, Yoga teacher, Reiki practitioner, student of Ayurveda
Fellow of the College of Medicine
'Everything is energy, and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality; it can be no other way. This is not philosophy; this is physics.
- Albert Einstein
'When we consider organic life in the light of biophysics, we find that electrical phenomena are at the root of all cellular life, and we may conclude that the end of everything is an electrical charge'
- Dr. J. Belot
The presentation is scheduled to begin at 3:00 PM (15:00 UK time and will conclude at approximately 5:00 PM (17:00 UK time).
I look forward to meeting you at the presentation (early booking is advised).
My Best wishes
Tony Porter
Copyright 2025
Founder Focused Reflexology/ A.R.T.®
Founder/Director A.R.T. (Advanced Reflexology Techniques) and Focused Reflexology
This is the original seminar textbook, which explains the philosophy and techniques of ART. It is a compilation of the ART seminar teaching as taught by ART founder Anthony Porter.
A4 size 120 pages. 170 photographs. 42 illustrations.
Digital download version Price £12.00
Are you benefiting from the full potential of your practice? Advanced Reflexology Techniques (ART)® can help your practice become more successful. This DVD will help you to become a more effective reflexologist, therefore creating a busier and more profitable practice.
Tony Porter is world renowned for his individual approach to reflexology. Now you can experience these effective techniques with the ART® DVD.
This specially devised DVD has been produced with both the newly qualified and experienced reflexologist in mind.
Digital download version Price £20.00
Having an interest in the Buddhist and Zen philosophy I have some favourite poems and writings.
This is one of them and it particularly relates to those of us in the health professions.
The human body, at peace with itself
Is more precious than the rarest gem.
Cherish your body, it is yours this one time only.
The human form is won with difficulty, it is easy to lose.
All worldly things are brief,
Like lightening in the sky;
this life you must know
As the tiny splash of a raindrop;
A thing of beauty that disappears
Even as it comes into being,
Therefore set your goal and
Make use of every day and night
To achieve it.
This was written by Tsongkhapa who was a 14th century Tibetan Lama and Buddhist.